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MS Excel

Téma: Conditional formating - 2 lists rss

Zaslal/a 16.10.2014 23:52

Hi guys, can you solve this problem?

List 1
A1 = 11
A2 = 12
A3 = 13

List 2
A5 = 11.1.
A6 = 12.1.
A7 = 18.5.
A8 = 13.6.

I need to use conditional formatting to fill A1, list 1 with red color if the A5, list 2 contains text "11.1.", A2, list 1 with red color if the A6, list 2 contains text "12.1." etc.

If there's number in list 1 with has no "date conectivity" with the date in list 2, there shouldn't be red color.

Can you help me please?

Zaslat odpověď >

icon #021923
Could you upload zipped excel file in order to let us see (number) formats in both sheets? Solution depends on formats mentioned. What shall happen with A1 if 11.1. is in A6 instead of A5? Better description of your problem would be needed, I suppose.citovat
A1, Condition


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