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MS Excel

Téma: Vyhledávání síťové tiskárny. rss

Zaslal/a 26.4.2018 12:42

Vyměnili mi excel z 2007 na 2016 a přestalo mi fungovat makro na vyhledávání síťové tiskárny, které do té doby spolehlivě fungovalo. Nevíte někdo, co je třeba pozměnit, aby to zase fachalo ?

Toto makro má najít pod jakým "on Ne" číslem je konkrétní tiskárna, vytisknout to a přehodit tiskárnu zpět.


Sub tisk()

Dim strCurrentPrinter As String, strNetworkPrinter As String
strNetworkPrinter = GetFullNetworkPrinterName("\\czstopc137\zebra")
If Len(strNetworkPrinter) > 0 Then ' found the network printer
strCurrentPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter
' change to the network printer
Application.ActivePrinter = strNetworkPrinter
ActiveSheet.PrintOut ' print something
' change back to the previously active printer
Application.ActivePrinter = strCurrentPrinter
End If

End sub

A definovaná funkce:

Function GetFullNetworkPrinterName(strNetworkPrinterName As String) As String
' returns the full network printer name
' returns an empty string if the printer is not found
' e.g. GetFullNetworkPrinterName("HP LaserJet 8100 Series PCL")
' might return "HP LaserJet 8100 Series PCL on Ne04:"
Dim strCurrentPrinterName As String, strTempPrinterName As String, i As Long
strCurrentPrinterName = Application.ActivePrinter
i = 0
Do While i < 10
strTempPrinterName = strNetworkPrinterName & " on Ne" & Format(i, "00") & ":"
On Error Resume Next ' try to change to the network printer
Application.ActivePrinter = strTempPrinterName
On Error GoTo 0
If Application.ActivePrinter = strTempPrinterName Then
' the network printer was found
GetFullNetworkPrinterName = strTempPrinterName
i = 10 ' makes the loop end
End If
i = i + 1
' remove the line below if you want the function to change the active printer
Application.ActivePrinter = strCurrentPrinterName ' change back to the original printer
End Function

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